Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Maybe it's a lot to write a similar article on the internet, but it also would not hurt if I just wrote back to for my personal or for people like me who are new in blogger.oke let's get started

1.Go  to blogger site
click Get Started. (If you already have a Google account, Gmail, or other Google product accounts, you can directly login without the need to register again)

Fill out the registration form with your personal data

Among others:

1.Email Address: Enter your email address
2.Retype email address: Type in your email address

a.Enter a password: Specify the password code that only you know, and you also should be able to remember, minimum password length of 8 characters and must consist of a combination of letters and numbers. (uppercase and lowercase letters are not the same)
b.Retype password: Re-type your password exactly the same with the third column
c.Display name: Enter your name or nickname (nick name / username)
d.Email notifications: Tick if you are willing to receive email notifications, suggestions or news from blogger
e.Birthday: fill in the date of your birth month and year
f.Word Verification: Verification words, the content according to the word shown in the figure above
g.Acceptance of Terms: Tick if you agree to all terms and conditions (rules) blogger
When all are filled registration form, click Continue

In this stage, you will be asked to select the country and enter your phone number, and click Send Verification Code to ... (telephone number)

If you are experiencing difficulties in the verification process, please click the link report your issue to report problems or ask for help with the verification process you can


After entering and sending mobile phone number, will send a sms containing verification number (if the phone number you entered is correct, you will receive a sms verification in less than 5 minutes) Enter the verification number matches the code you received, click Verify


Once the registration process is complete, each login you will immediately be in the Dashboard page (Home), on this page you can manage the blogs that you've created and create a new blog.

6. To create a new blog, the Dashboard page click Create a Blog

7.Defining Name and Address Blog

Blog Title: Name / Title Blog

Title / Name Unique try and relate (as appropriate) with the content of the blog, such as blog contains articles about education, then the name of the blog should also be synonymous with the world of education
Can be changed again whenever you want

Blog Address: Address Blog
     Define good blog address, because you can not change it anymore
     Address blog not too long, shorter is better
     Try blog address in accordance with title / name / title of the blog

8.Determining template or blog themeSelect a theme / template you like, or to temporarily choose anywhere because you can change it later
9.Start Blogging activities (blogging)

Having reached this stage, you have a new blog ready to be filled, I suggest start trying to create a new post, set the template or blog settings

10. Login and Logout
Login: Process into account
Once you have a Blogger account, you can log back in (login) into your account on the site
     Email (google account username, or email address)
     Password: a unique password that only you know
     Logout: Process exit from your account

If you use a public computer (in the cafe or school), so I suggest to click Logout each finished BLOGGING

Good luck


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